Listen to BCR22
Building Your Income Pipeline: Everyday people sharing tips on how to add more money to their pockets. These pockets can be opportunities: retire, vacation, health, education, etc. Topic: Behind the scenes of a Prelaunch Small business insider: Andre Vaughn, Vice President of Marketing Valerie Love, Independent Business Ambassador William J. Andreoli, Wakaya Perfection, LLC. President The Entrepreneur's Game Plan Next Week's BriefCase Radio Workshop includes strategies and information from our segments: Accounting Toolkit Periscope: @improveprogess Twitter: @ improveprogress fb: facebook.com/improveprogress Email: omar@edacmorgan.com Listen NOW at ITUNES or www.edacmorgan.com Resource(s):Book: Go Pro: 7 Steps to Becoming a Network Marketing Professional by Eric Worre Visit www.edacmorgan.com or 443.885.3663 #edacampus on FB, T, IG
BriefCase Radio Workshop: Nonprofit startup | Entering entrepreneurship via Network Marketing3/13/2016 Listen to BCR11 Legal Toolkit: legal strategies to protect & grow your business
Topic: Nonprofit, the other side of entrepreneurship Small business insider: Anthony Butler, Esq TBMG Law www.tbmglaw.com The Customer Plan: Keeping them in your business because we all have to eat Topic: Network marketing: another way to enter entrepreneurship Small business insider: Andre Vaughn Wakaya Perfection The Entrepreneur's Game Plan Next Week's BriefCase Radio Workshop includes strategies and information from our segments: Biztechinsiders Periscope: @improveprogess Twitter: @ improveprogress fb: facebook.com/improveprogress Email: omar@edacmorgan.com Past shows: tech tools for 2016, business plan in action, pointers from tedxbaltimore, mayor’s business plan, getting ready for tax time, legally starting your business, Listen NOW at ITUNES or www.edacmorgan.com Resource(s):Book: The 7 Habits of Highly Effective Network Marketing Professionals by Stephen R. Covey Visit www.edacmorgan.com or 443.885.3663 #edacampus on FB, T, IG
AboutTalkin Shop (TS) is a weekly podcast helping individuals in and around the Morgan State U community. The podcast can be heard each Monday at noon. Archives
December 2018