Young Invincibles, a research and advocacy non-profit centered on exploring economic opportunity for young adults, released a new brief titled At the Extremes: Student Debt and Entrepreneurship. The study uncovered four related facts about the state of student loans, entrepreneurs, and their future earnings. Read more
It’s well documented here at Growthology that we think entrepreneurship is closely connected to economic growth, innovation, and job creation. Consequently, it’s important to understand the factors that can estimate the likelihood of a person starting a business. Age is one of them. The connection between age and propensity to start a business is not yet widely studied, but of key importance in understanding entrepreneurship behavior. Read more
The emergence of the platform economy has impacted all participants in the traditional economy: consumers, workers, and businesses. The rise of startups like Uber and Airbnb helped to create the platform economy. In fact, these businesses have helped define the concept as they disrupt traditional economic models. Read more...
Start-up activity in the U.S. increased in 2016, bolstered by growth among women, millennials and minorities, according to a new report.
The widely watched analysis from the Kauffman Foundation, released on Thursday, finds annual start-up activity rose in 2016 for the second-straight year after falling with the recession. The rate of new entrepreneurs has increased nearly 15 percent over the past two years, translating to about 550,000 new business owners each month during the year. Read More |
AuthorThe mission of EDAC is to connect budding & existing entrepreneurs to resources for venture management & growth. Archives
September 2024